
How to generate a unique brand name that sells your business crazy to target audience

According to Al Ries "Only brand names register in the mind". To generate a business or brand name that registers in the mind of your target audience, you need some sauces of uniqueness in your brand identity building process. One of the hardest decision to make for most starter entrepreneurs is how to generate a unique brand name for their business or products. How to generate a unique brand name prone a big challenge because of the need for a brand name that rings a bell and resonates with business target customers. And because there are logical and emotional reasonings required for generating a unique brand name. Some supposed professionals claim to be experts in creating a perfect brand name, but the truth remains that there is no authority in creating a brand name. The process of creating the unique brand name for a business could only be a collaborative effort between the business owner and the supposed experts. Since the best brand name for a business is such t

Two simple sales mathematics formula for salespeople to 10x product sales

Since I've decided to take business development as my career choice. I've always been on the lookout for a concise logical process to scale in the sales and marketing profession. I love it when phenomena are reduced to a logical process. Maybe because logics was one of my best courses in the university days. To achieve this set goal of mine, I've read a lot of books and watched numerous videos about sales and marketing strategies, from my adventure into getting a logical process to do sales and marketing profession, I've drafted out a simple mathematical method to scale in sales Here are simple mathematical/ formula for Salespeople to scale: 1) P(PP)+R=S 2) V= R-P 1) P( PP) + R= S P(PP)= Problem(Pain Point) R = Result S = Solution A Salesperson needs to Understand the prospects' Problem or (Pain Points ), and Profer possible results (R) from the consumption of his service/ product to the prospect problems. This will equal the provision of Soluti

4 possible reasons why Facebook restricts your ads account

Recently, I have come across complaints by business page owners on Facebook, that they couldn't put up ads on their accounts. Attempts to boost a page or run ads for a product or service have proved abortive because their accounts have been restricted by Facebook. Have you experienced that before? I had experienced it before, and I know how frustrating it could be, especially as a social media accounts manager. I'll share four reasons why Facebook could restrict your ads accounts and how to avoid this. Read to the end for an additional tip to scale your facebook ads set INDIRECT POST You probably attempt to run an ad for a content not directly updated from your business page. One of the reasons your ads request might not be approved by Facebook could be that attempt to boost a post shared on your business page. Facebook only accepts posts created directly on your page and not shared posts. Whenever you attempt to promote a post on your social media pages, mak

Three important professionals to hire for a successful Social Media strategy

Social media is indeed a gold mine for any organisation that wants to add massively to its return on investment. There has been a great increment in the rate at which new social media accounts are being created by people. Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram , Linkedln, Snapchat and many others now experience a massive increase in the number of newly opened accounts. Interestingly, Social media has now been a part of life of many people, while on daily basis an average of two hours is spent on at least a social media platform by individual account owners. According to Statistical ,Facebook has a 2.7 billion monthly active users,while Instagram has 1.1billion monthly active users. It's no brainer why many Businesses now integrate social media strategy into their business development strategy. According to Eric Qualman, “We don’t have a choice on whether we do social media, the question is how well we do it.” To make the best out of social media, a busin

Hidden solution to the 3 stages of business development for entrepreneurs

One of the core reasons why most businesses fail in their infant stages is that many entrepreneurs fail to have a good understanding of the progressive stages of business development. While some business experts have argued that business development stages are cyclical, some argued it to be linear. I would rather simply describe the stages as organismic, and three in numbers. Entrepreneurs need to understand these stages for a clear evaluation of the pace at which their business grow. Let's delve into the three business development stages. The foreman stage This is the stage where the business owner does every business activities from strategizing to operation down to sales. At this very stage, the business owner is more focused on business development activities, he aggressively pushes for business growth alone or with one or two partners. The boss man stage Here in the business development stage is where the business owner employs more hands because he's not

How to build a strong brand in a fiercely competitive market, Nigerian CSD brands as case study

Building a strong brand in a fiercely competitive market is the paramount target and responsibility of every brand experts, For a brand expert to build a formidable brand among numerous competing brands in the market, such brand must be rooted in a strategy that doesn't follow the market bandwagon trends. The strategy should be tailored in line with a within-out branding process. Developing a brand based on the rationale to compete along the hottest trends in the market could be dangerous for the sustainability of that very brand during difficult times. The competition to build a formidable brand that distinguishes itself from other competing brands in the market has been the major focus of many organizations. Some have found it a difficult mission, while it's the other way round for some. Some organisations within the carbonated beverage industry in Nigeria have adopted various playbooks to build outstanding brands that were built on trends which are unique

3 Major Channels target by Steve Jobs During Sales Pitching and Product Presentation

  3 Major Channels Target by Steve Jobs During Sales Pitching and Product Presentation. Human being is naturally designed to understand and interpret phenomenon, ideas, and concepts through different body organs. Every sales and marketing professionals need to target pitching activities at these channels, that is, the body organs through which their prospects understand concepts, for a clear and effective product/Service pitching presentation. In this piece, I'll talk about the about 3 major channels to target during sales pitch and presentation, and how it can help position your business to scale in the highly competitive market. Business developers or entrepreneurs need to understand these three phenomenal channels in which human tends to understand value propositions, for a better product/service presentation strategy The three major channels are: 1) Auditory 2) Visual 3) kinesthetic It quintessential for every salesperson to note that during sales pit

Content Marketer VS Copywriter, The best hire in this period

Content Marketer VS Copywriter, The best hire in this period. "Content is King" because it's the most effective way to propose values and convince prospects to make commitments.A Copywriter and Content writer are both specialists in the curation and formulation of content or copy strategy. Let's look into which is the best to hire between a content writer or Copywriter, for financially struggling businesses that couldn't afford to hire both Copywriter and Content writer simultaneously. Apparently, the coronavirus pandemic outbreak has severely affected the world economy. Customers now have reasonable excuses not to make a further purchase, while prospects are more adamant than before. This has now effect the search for survival strategies from many business managers. Could content strategy be the way out? It seems so. There is an increase in the rate at which many businesses are now more focused on effective content strategy, and putting out more job

5 practical approaches to handle pandemic sales objections

5 practical approaches to handle pandemic sales objections. While doing some website traffic analysis works on my system last weekend, I heard a colleague in The Real Estate sales having a conversation with a lawyer friend on phone. My friend wanted to convince his lawyer friend to invest in a real estate in his residential area in Ibadan, Nigeria. A distress sale of a building in his residential area. Sales gimmicks apart, it was a property that worth investing in. But, the lawyer friend turned down the investment proposal. He said, "how sure are you that i have that money, and besides it's not during this pandemic period that you will expect me to invest." That was the response of a prospect to my Real Estate sales consultant colleague when pitching his friend for a fantastic real estate investment. I'm quite certain that will be the same experience for many salespeople out there in this period, numerous reasons for sales objections. People are now

How to reinvent your business to dominate industry competition for profitable growth

An entrepreneur friend asked me a brain-racking question some weeks ago. She asked, how can she win a larger market share in her industry? I went on a minute of silence and responded, what would you prefer for your business? Winning competition battle or setting pace in your industry? My entrepreneur friend responded, she only wanted a larger market share. If that's the case, I would rather recommend your business set a pace in its industry, I responded. How do I go about this? She asked. I swiftly answered her, by creating new values yet to found within your industry. Businesses that set the pace in their industries, shift the pillars, and boundaries of values being offered within their industries. They are value innovators not industry competitors. Many businesses have been so engrossed with the industry competition rivalry, to point that they couldn't notice that the market they fiercely compete for is shrinking. Customers are resulting in alternative or substitute in