Content Marketer VS Copywriter, The best hire in this period

Content Marketer VS Copywriter, The best hire in this period.

"Content is King" because it's the most effective way to propose values and convince prospects to make commitments.A Copywriter and Content writer are both specialists in the curation and formulation of content or copy strategy. Let's look into which is the best to hire between a content writer or Copywriter, for financially struggling businesses that couldn't afford to hire both Copywriter and Content writer simultaneously.

Apparently, the coronavirus pandemic outbreak has severely affected the world economy. Customers now have reasonable excuses not to make a further purchase, while prospects are more adamant than before. This has now effect the search for survival strategies from many business managers. Could content strategy be the way out? It seems so. There is an increase in the rate at which many businesses are now more focused on effective content strategy, and putting out more job placement for a content writer and Copywriter positions.

Having experienced how digital marketing has helped these businesses attract new leads and increased conversions in the past, many business owners now divert much of their effort to digital marketing. As we are all aware that content is the essential sauce of digital marketing, there is a need to onboard Copywriters or content writers. Business managers now need to employ more hands to provide content or copies that will add to the company's bottom line, while being frugal in spending due to the reduction in business cash flow, which was caused by the coronavirus pandemic effect. This is the point where some business managers are faced with the dilemma of who to onboard between a copywriter or content writer, considering the company's financial or budgetary constraints. They are faced with the question, Should we hire a content writer instead of a Copywriter for now, or we go for a Copywriter first?

A content writer writes on any issue that resonates with everyday experience. These contents indirectly intend to familiarize the company's brand with people's everyday experience. Content writing isn't meant to be salesy. It's one of the touchpoints used by businesses to influence the prospect to make a commitment and instill brand confidence and trust. Contents are not explicitly salesy.While on the other hand, Copywriters write content that directly sells the company's product. Copywriters write copies that are exclusively and explicitly salesy.

Agreeably, both contents and copies add reasonably to a business bottom line, but the question is, in a situation where a company is struggling financially and people are more frugal in spending, which of the two should be employed as a matter of urgency? As simple as this question might seem to look, it is difficult to make a straight choice. But if I was asked to make a choice decision on this question, I would rather go for a content writer considering the pandemic effect on the people. No doubt, it's important that businesses put out copies that explicitly sell the company's product or services, yet companies need to onboard more content writers. The pandemic has seriously left many devasted and depressed if there's anything they need to consume from your business in this period, it's content, not copy.

They need content that gives hope, support, and assurance of a happy near future. Contents that resonate well with their present experience. Assuredly, any business that could provide its prospects with such kind of content, would easily earn prospects' trust and confidence. This in effect will make it easier to penetrate into their hearts when you pitch your product or service. Since the trust is already there, their minds will be easily opened to your pitching. If what your product/service truly provides value that they need, then they can easily make an expected commitment.

However, I'm not saying copies aren't effective means to add to the company's bottom line, but in time like this, considering a Content writer ahead of Copywriter would definitely scale your business up than doing otherwise.

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