3 Major Channels target by Steve Jobs During Sales Pitching and Product Presentation


3 Major Channels Target by Steve Jobs During Sales Pitching and Product Presentation.

Human being is naturally designed to understand and interpret phenomenon, ideas, and concepts through different body organs. Every sales and marketing professionals need to target pitching activities at these channels, that is, the body organs through which their prospects understand concepts, for a clear and effective product/Service pitching presentation.

In this piece, I'll talk about the about 3 major channels to target during sales pitch and presentation, and how it can help position your business to scale in the highly competitive market. Business developers or entrepreneurs need to understand these three phenomenal channels in which human tends to understand value propositions, for a better product/service presentation strategy

The three major channels are:
1) Auditory

2) Visual

3) kinesthetic

It quintessential for every salesperson to note that during sales pitching or product presentations, prospects are dependent on the above major three sense organs of the body for idea assimilation and proper comprehension. The auditory is stimulated by the ears, the visual is stimulated by his eyes, and the Kinesthetic is stimulated by the Skin (Touch and feel).

As a business developer you might want to ask how does this approach effectuates sales conversion during sales pitch and product presentation? Have ever asked the reason for the crazy sales of apple products after introducing new products into the tech market? The magic wand is the approach adopted during the unveiling and presentation of their new products. You remember the mind-blowing presentation of Macintosh by Steve Jobs in 1984, what about Steve jobs' first iMac launch presentation in the year 1998, the superb iPhone introduction presentation at MacWorld in 2007?

Steve jobs already understood this approach to product presentation, he knew his audience will either fall within one or two of these three major categories, then he tailored his product presentation accordingly. The result is the massive increment in the Return on Investment of the company, the company's net worth is over $1trillion, as of 2020.

As a business developer it's germane you understand which category your prospects fall within, to adopt the kind of presentation model that best suits his kind of assimilation channels. For proper breakdown, let's understand the differences between the three channels for proper product and service presentation.

The Auditory : An auditory oriented learner would love to hear your presentation. They are always good listeners. They understand ideas/ concepts through word-teaching or presentation. During product presentation, a salesperson would be committing a presentation blunder by showing him product value.

The visual : These are set of prospects who believe in life dictum that says "Seeing is believing".They would rather you show them your product values than telling them. No amount of explanation without visual images of how your product works will convince them to make a commitment. As a salesperson, you should rather show this category of learners how your product works instead of telling them. A statement like "let me show you how it works" triggers their brain to give you the attention needed to pitch them.

The kinesthetic: "Experience is the best teacher" that's their watchword. They love to feel and have a touch/experience of the said value your product provides. These set of people are convinced by free/ restricted period trials. Showing or telling them the value won't move them unless they experience. Experiential marketing strategy best move these set of prospects.

Having understood these categories, salespeople or business managers must understand the category each prospect fall within, then tailor their sale pitch and product presentation accordingly. It should be noticed that a particular prospect might be a dual channels assimilator. Utilizing a dual pitching channel will be appropriate for such a prospect. If you are doing a crowd sales pitching or product presentation, it is advisable you adopt the three major channels.

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