5 practical approaches to handle pandemic sales objections

5 practical approaches to handle pandemic sales objections.

While doing some website traffic analysis works on my system last weekend, I heard a colleague in The Real Estate sales having a conversation with a lawyer friend on phone. My friend wanted to convince his lawyer friend to invest in a real estate in his residential area in Ibadan, Nigeria. A distress sale of a building in his residential area.

Sales gimmicks apart, it was a property that worth investing in. But, the lawyer friend turned down the investment proposal. He said, "how sure are you that i have that money, and besides it's not during this pandemic period that you will expect me to invest."

That was the response of a prospect to my Real Estate sales consultant colleague when pitching his friend for a fantastic real estate investment.

I'm quite certain that will be the same experience for many salespeople out there in this period, numerous reasons for sales objections. People are now extra frugal and more cautious in spending. They would rather buy those things they think to be essentials to them. They live no chance for Investment spending in this period. But does that mean no chance for salespeople who sell or provide services out the listed essential services in the pandemic period? Well, we are now the period where in-depth knowledge and expertise about sales tactics have a major role to play in sales conversion.

The sales conversion process won't be as it used to be during the pre-COVID19 period. Though it wasn't easy then, Yet, the process has now gotten more stringent. Back to my friend and his lawyer friend, my colleague almost dropped the investment pitching, but he summoned courage and responded that “he didn't know if he has the money to invest now, he presented the investment opportunity to him because he thought it was a rare investment opportunity which really worth investing in” That was truly a nice way to respond to the objection, but you will agree with me, it wasn't a smart approach to handle such realistic objection. Yeah!, It wasn't a smart approach, even his lawyer friend declined the investment opportunity offer.

I must be Frank at this point, salespersons that would make maximum sales in this period must be smart. Yes, very smart and understand how human psyches work, then capitalize on that. They must be highly emotionally intelligent. To be able to convince prospects to make a serious commitment in this pandemic period, salespeople must be able to move prospects' mindset away from their present realities to a new and interesting reality. Their present mindset reality is definitely on the harsh and terrible effect of coronavirus pandemic. Morose feelings, the terrible state of the economy, death tolls, negative predictions, and so on. It can only take a mindset shift to convert prospects with this kind of feeling.

Let's delve into how to effectively create this mindset shift for effective sales.


The Foremost approach is Empathy. Empathy has a lot to play in creating this mindset shift. You have to be able to empathize with your prospect, show him you are all together in the mess. But, don't dwell too much empathizing to avoid creating more depressing moods.


Realism not in the philosophical or ideological context, but in the sense of being realistic. Salespeople shouldn't go about nauseating prospect while trying to convert them. Salespeople shouldn't act like they are from another planet, where the pandemic doesn't exist. They have to show prospects that, look we are also into this and quite aware of the deep impact of the pandemic on everyone, and the economy.


Smart salespeople must be able to create an optimistic atmosphere for their prospects in this distressing period. Creating an optimistic atmosphere for your prospect will definitely shift their mindset of the present bleak realities, to bright and happy realities. Having been able to create a mindset shift, you find to easier to pitch your service or product to your prospect. Findings have it that people tend to buy more when they are feeling happy. Create an optimistic atmosphere, and launch your service value proposition.


After you have successfully created a mindset shift and launched your value proposition, ensure you create a sense of urgency to make a prompt commitment. Make them know that, now is the best period to make a purchase. They shouldn't delay making a purchase, they might not have the same opportunity. You might even show them how making buying decisions now guarantees a swift recovery from the effect of pandemic during or post COVID19 period.


I won't dwell much on closing in this write-up, my next post will be on how to effectively close a deal. It is important that salespeople close that prospect immediately, you wouldn't want that opportunity to slip away.

Now to the way I would have responded to the objection if I were my friend.

" Sincerely you are not wrong my friend, I understand the situation of things now. Even I'm now forced to cut some of my expenses. You remember how I had to insist on working from home despite the call to resume work at the office because I couldn't afford the increased T.fare? (I allow the prospect to respond and talk a bit…) That tells you how much I also am affected But then, even in the deadliest pandemic abounds amazing opportunities. You see, this pandemic has left many people to more emotional rather than being rational. Many people are only focused on the bleak effect of the pandemic without considering the opportunities it brings along. Smart people are making buying decisions that will keep them afloat immediately after the pandemic. I'm sure you will also want to bounce back immediately this is over. This real estate investment opportunity is one of the rarest opportunities you can find now and post the COVID19 period. My friend, it's a distress (emotional) sale, it will benefit you if you purchase it now. As soon as the pandemic is over. You can make sell it out and make a cool profit from it. We are taking millions of naira profit here! You shouldn't let this rare opportunity slip away. I guarantee you that you won't regret the purchase."

After you have successfully convinced him, though it may take more than 3 calls, you have to immediately dispense your closing prowess.

Another approach to this to immediately ask him these two straight questions:
What if this becomes the new normal or reality?

Would you continue to wait till the pandemic is over when smart people are trying to adapt and grow an investment base despite the pandemic stress?

The major point here is that there are a lot of fantastic approaches you can use to handle such kind of objection, but in a period like this, your approach must be such that you can shift reality mindsets.

I hope you gained some insights from this post. Kindly click on INSTAGRAM TWITTER FACEBOOK to follow SABISCALE social media pages, for your daily business and personal growth hacks.

Thank you.

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