How to generate a unique brand name that sells your business crazy to target audience

According to Al Ries "Only brand names register in the mind". To generate a business or brand name that registers in the mind of your target audience, you need some sauces of uniqueness in your brand identity building process. One of the hardest decision to make for most starter entrepreneurs is how to generate a unique brand name for their business or products. How to generate a unique brand name prone a big challenge because of the need for a brand name that rings a bell and resonates with business target customers. And because there are logical and emotional reasonings required for generating a unique brand name.

Some supposed professionals claim to be experts in creating a perfect brand name, but the truth remains that there is no authority in creating a brand name. The process of creating the unique brand name for a business could only be a collaborative effort between the business owner and the supposed experts. Since the best brand name for a business is such that resonates and ring a bell to the target audience or customer, you cannot then put this responsibility of creating the unique brand name in the hand of these supposed experts.

Now to the question of how to generate a unique brand name that rings a bell. The perfect way to do this is to think creatively around words, images, slangs, memes e.t.c that resonate with your target audience or customers daily experience or environment.

I could remember we started by using Upsellers as our brand name. You remember right? If you have been following Sabiscale for long you would have known this. Of course, we changed to Sabiscale because we wanted a brand image that resonates with people within the country and outside. "Sabi" means "know" it's a word mostly used across different language in Nigeria, while every business will want to "Scale. Sabiscale means "knowing how to scale".

The major point here is that you determine your choice of brand or company name should be based on the image, information, impression, values your company sets to provide. Yet, it must be the one that rings a bell to your target customers.

It is important to note that there is no rule against using funny words, in as much, they pass the right message about what you do. I once saw a billboard at the front of a beautiful edifice while walking down an estate in Nigeria, it had "COME INN " boldly written on it. I almost went into the building before I noticed that the building is an "INN" and the Inn name is "COME INN". You see, it's about creatively bringing up brand names that resonate with your target customers. Yet passing the right message about what you do.

Also, there's no crime in changing a brand or company name. A business is supposed to be an organism that changes with its environment. I'm not an advocate of changing business names every month, but if need be, please do. it's not a bad business strategy. It shows how flexible and adaptable your business is to its ever-changing environment and customers demands.

I hope you gained some insights from this post. Kindly click on INSTAGRAM, TWITTER, FACEBOOK to follow Sabiscale social media pages, for your daily business and personal growth hacks.

Thank you.

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