

The service of a social media manager has lately been one of the most in-demand by both commercial and nonprofit organisations. This is due to the widespread realisation that social media has evolved into an incredible tool for successful business growth. The rise in company owners' need for social media managers' services is directly related to the rise in the number of business pages on various social media platforms including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and others. Anyone interested in entering the field of social media management may find it a bit difficult to become an experienced manager without a useful guide. For this reason, I'll lead you through four doable actions a newbie may take to become a productive social media manager. Let's now get going. Create your target audience list A social media manager should be multi-talented, creative, and capable of producing eye-catching copy, graphics, and editing films that are easy to grasp. You will

How to avoid looking foolish in front of your customers when trying to sell as a salesperson

A salesperson that doesn't have a good insight into how his product can make his customer's life better off will always look or sound foolish while trying to sell. As a salesperson, you must be the number one fan of the product you sell. A salesperson needs to understand the nitty-gritty of that product far to the extent which your potential would know. Sometimes I marvel when I go out to window shop or make some product enquiries of what I needed to buy and I see some salespersons babbler when attending to prospects enquiries.Some salespersons even go to the extent of verbally abusing the prospect, because the prospect seems to know much about the product than the so-called salesperson. This shouldn't be at all.I could remember some months ago I went to do enquiries about a product from different two different brand salesperson. The first brand salesperson was so calm and collected, he gave me varieties of the product and prices. I raised a question which

4 practical stages to develop a highly converting Social Media campaign ads

Social media has metamorphosed into a resourceful tool for businesses to showcase their products or services to their target audience. Multi-million dollars of transactions are being made on various available social media platforms between businesses and customers. This has seen many small and corporations casting their nets into the sea of social media to acquire more customers for their businesses. However, as promising as social media sales is, it requires creativity and know-how of ads-set or targeting to get maximum returns on ads spent. This article will walk you through a step by step process to create a powerful ad-set that 10X your product sale on social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram. Three important parts that form an effective social media advert are the Ad headline, Ad copy and Ad graphics. Although there are other parts of an effective social media structure like landing pages and copy creativity, we won't discuss those other parts for now because t

9 effective ways to retain your customers and make them crave for your product

Tony, a carpenter friend of mine once asked me how he could win back customers he had lost and at the same time keep the ones he had. Without a second thought, the first question I asked him was the reasons he lost his customers and the effective ways he could use to retain the ones he had at that period. My confused friend thought for about 10 minutes but didn't provide an appropriate answer to the questions asked. Most companies that have gone into extinction didn't experience a downfall in just one day. It was a result of consistent failure to attract customers, retain them and make them loyally crave for their product or service. But, customers can't be retained by magic or by simply asking them to stay, some factors must be present in your system as an organization to make the one-time buyer vow his or her loyalty to your product. Little wonder some really old products are still craved after by millions of people all around the world. Have you ever wondered how

3 proven tactics to unlock sales inhibitors of your product sales

Sales inhibitors are unconvinced prospects about the value your product tends to provide. Sales inhibitors negatively affect the expected rate of return on investment by business owners. Consequently, it results in an erratic cash flow in any business organization. Over the years I have seen business owners and service providers spend a whole lot of money on advertising campaigns and other forms of promotional strategies for their products or services. As a result of this, they channel their energy towards telling their target audience the value of their products which prospective and existing customers stand the chance to enjoy. Since selling can't be done in isolation coupled with the fact that the sales rate of any business organization determines whether they are in the market transform into an industry giant. In order not to run out of business, most entrepreneurs strive to differentiate their brand from others to increase their product demand and stabilize their sales. A

How to generate a unique brand name that sells your business crazy to target audience

According to Al Ries "Only brand names register in the mind". To generate a business or brand name that registers in the mind of your target audience, you need some sauces of uniqueness in your brand identity building process. One of the hardest decision to make for most starter entrepreneurs is how to generate a unique brand name for their business or products. How to generate a unique brand name prone a big challenge because of the need for a brand name that rings a bell and resonates with business target customers. And because there are logical and emotional reasonings required for generating a unique brand name. Some supposed professionals claim to be experts in creating a perfect brand name, but the truth remains that there is no authority in creating a brand name. The process of creating the unique brand name for a business could only be a collaborative effort between the business owner and the supposed experts. Since the best brand name for a business is such t

Two simple sales mathematics formula for salespeople to 10x product sales

Since I've decided to take business development as my career choice. I've always been on the lookout for a concise logical process to scale in the sales and marketing profession. I love it when phenomena are reduced to a logical process. Maybe because logics was one of my best courses in the university days. To achieve this set goal of mine, I've read a lot of books and watched numerous videos about sales and marketing strategies, from my adventure into getting a logical process to do sales and marketing profession, I've drafted out a simple mathematical method to scale in sales Here are simple mathematical/ formula for Salespeople to scale: 1) P(PP)+R=S 2) V= R-P 1) P( PP) + R= S P(PP)= Problem(Pain Point) R = Result S = Solution A Salesperson needs to Understand the prospects' Problem or (Pain Points ), and Profer possible results (R) from the consumption of his service/ product to the prospect problems. This will equal the provision of Soluti

4 possible reasons why Facebook restricts your ads account

Recently, I have come across complaints by business page owners on Facebook, that they couldn't put up ads on their accounts. Attempts to boost a page or run ads for a product or service have proved abortive because their accounts have been restricted by Facebook. Have you experienced that before? I had experienced it before, and I know how frustrating it could be, especially as a social media accounts manager. I'll share four reasons why Facebook could restrict your ads accounts and how to avoid this. Read to the end for an additional tip to scale your facebook ads set INDIRECT POST You probably attempt to run an ad for a content not directly updated from your business page. One of the reasons your ads request might not be approved by Facebook could be that attempt to boost a post shared on your business page. Facebook only accepts posts created directly on your page and not shared posts. Whenever you attempt to promote a post on your social media pages, mak

Three important professionals to hire for a successful Social Media strategy

Social media is indeed a gold mine for any organisation that wants to add massively to its return on investment. There has been a great increment in the rate at which new social media accounts are being created by people. Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram , Linkedln, Snapchat and many others now experience a massive increase in the number of newly opened accounts. Interestingly, Social media has now been a part of life of many people, while on daily basis an average of two hours is spent on at least a social media platform by individual account owners. According to Statistical ,Facebook has a 2.7 billion monthly active users,while Instagram has 1.1billion monthly active users. It's no brainer why many Businesses now integrate social media strategy into their business development strategy. According to Eric Qualman, “We don’t have a choice on whether we do social media, the question is how well we do it.” To make the best out of social media, a busin

Hidden solution to the 3 stages of business development for entrepreneurs

One of the core reasons why most businesses fail in their infant stages is that many entrepreneurs fail to have a good understanding of the progressive stages of business development. While some business experts have argued that business development stages are cyclical, some argued it to be linear. I would rather simply describe the stages as organismic, and three in numbers. Entrepreneurs need to understand these stages for a clear evaluation of the pace at which their business grow. Let's delve into the three business development stages. The foreman stage This is the stage where the business owner does every business activities from strategizing to operation down to sales. At this very stage, the business owner is more focused on business development activities, he aggressively pushes for business growth alone or with one or two partners. The boss man stage Here in the business development stage is where the business owner employs more hands because he's not