How to avoid looking foolish in front of your customers when trying to sell as a salesperson

A salesperson that doesn't have a good insight into how his product can make his customer's life better off will always look or sound foolish while trying to sell. As a salesperson, you must be the number one fan of the product you sell. A salesperson needs to understand the nitty-gritty of that product far to the extent which your potential would know.

Sometimes I marvel when I go out to window shop or make some product enquiries of what I needed to buy and I see some salespersons babbler when attending to prospects enquiries.Some salespersons even go to the extent of verbally abusing the prospect, because the prospect seems to know much about the product than the so-called salesperson. This shouldn't be at all.I could remember some months ago I went to do enquiries about a product from different two different brand salesperson.

The first brand salesperson was so calm and collected, he gave me varieties of the product and prices. I raised a question which got him surprised, with the question he knew immediately that I understood the varieties of the product. He then explained to me the benefits and features of each variety. I said in my mind, "This guy understands what he sells perfectly".

I went to another brand salesperson for price sampling. I met a lady salesperson and did the same thing I did with the first brand salesperson, but this second salesperson was babbling. She couldn't give me convincing details about the product. I could say I knew more than this salesperson. I had to go back to the first brand salesperson to buy the product, even though the price was more than the second brand salesperson price. I was convinced he knew what I wanted and understand the products well. I had to go back to the first brand salesperson to make the purchase.

It is expedient to know that a salesperson or sales representative is the face of any product or service he sells. The level of knowledge a salesperson has about his product or service determines his or her "saleability" rate. A popular saying says " You can't give what you don't have". If you do not have a deep knowledge of the BENEFITS and FEATURES of what you offer you will end up sending away your potential customers.

It is also important that salespeople should know that, many prospects of today are now more exposed to resources that enable them to conveniently do deep findings of what they need to purchase before approaching the salesperson or product vendors. It is more important that salespersons understand the product far better than the prospects to avoid unnecessary SHALAYE (Explanation) and ad baculum approach.

The salespeople should have firsthand knowledge about his product to convincingly and persuasively sell to customers without stress. This product knowledge goes beyond surface knowledge gotten from reading the product labels or manuals. Some dependable sources for Product knowledge cover an understanding of the product brand itself, the right customer, customer experience, product competitor, troubleshooting and configurations, policy and procedures, mission and vision, complementary products, and so on.

It is important to add that the company which the salesperson represents needs to acquaint its salespeople with the product design process, branding process, and they should be integrated into the marketing strategy session where the brand mission and vision are explained. Remember that the level of your product knowledge determines your saleability rate.

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