
Whatsapp Trends For Business Growth in year 2020

Whatsapp Trends For Business Growth in year 2020. These whatsapp trends for business growth will definitely avail businesses some significant growth records in the year 2020. WhatsApp has been making a flurry of changes and updates recently, some of which are already being rolled out. But brands can’t try them until they know about them, so here are the top eight coolest updates coming in 2020: This message will self-destruct Users will soon be able to select from a drop-down menu how long messages will last before they are deleted. This feature may not sound ground-breaking because, well… it isn’t! It’s a feature that already exists on other platforms like Snapchat and Telegram. But it is a big deal when WhatsApp makes an update like this because as we know, WhatsApp is the most widely used messaging app on earth. Initially this feature will only be available for group chats, enabled by the group administrators. You’ll be able to set the Delete Message feature for a par

Wise Man's Secret To Success and Personal Development

A young man approached a "wise man" and asked him the secret of success The "wise man" told the young man to meet him near the river the next morning They met at the river side, the wise man asked the young man to walk with him into the river When the water got up to their neck, the wise man took the young man by surprise and swiftly ducked him into the water The young man struggled to get out but the "wise man" was strong and kept him there until the boy started turning blue The "wise man" pulled the young man head out of the water and the first thing the young man did was to gasp and take a deep breath of air The "wise man" asked him, "What did you want the most when you were there ?" the boy replied, "Air." The "Wise man" said, "That is the secret of success! When you want success as badly as you wanted the air, then you will get it There is no other secret

New year resolutions that will help you scale in Year 2020

I'm glad you've made it through to another new year. Since yesterday I have started seeing new year resolutions flying on social media platforms. That's cool, it's good to plan to avoid failure. But, you will do yourself good to reflect on how well you have achieved your last year resolutions. I'm sure many of these resolutions were not achieved because they are not strategic but mere words of mouth. I've seen some organizations/multi-nationals commit this same planning error. Should you continue to commit this avoidable blunder? No , you shouldn't. My $1billion advice to you is to plan for the next decade, that is, have a 10years plan( 2020- 2030). Say, in the next 10years, I want to achieve this or that (....) However, that doesn't warrant you shelve your new year plans or resolutions. No! I'll advice you make conscious plans for year 2020, but ensure they are plans or resolutions are means to achieve your next

One insanely winning business strategy by Domino's Pizza to help Entrepreneurs scale

It's arguably right to claim that Small Medium Entreprises (SMEs) is instrumental to development of any Nation's economy. American economy is a case to study.  Any serious Nation should take development of SMEs as top priority. It's in view of this that I write this piece, to help SMEs develop a winning business development strategy.   I know how difficult it is for SMEs to beat the big names in their industry, to have their fair share in the market. I have once been there , I am still there. As a fashion designer, you cannot just rise overnight without a crazy winning business strategy to beat the likes of Nike, Addidas , Versace e.t.c in the fashion industry I know you need your fair share in the market, how then do you get your own fair market share as an entrepreneur? It's simple, my advice to you is to create a niche for yourself in the industry How can you do this? Great! just do a weakness competition analysis of those big names in your indust

One important way to increase sales using clear USP method

If  your USP isn't connecting the dots for your clients, you will find it hard to sell at scale. The solution to prospects problem is in knowing their pain points. It's simply dialectical. Always ask questions that give you clear understanding of prospects pain points. Check out this questioning method(B2B) Salesman: Would you love to share with me the biggest challenge your company is facing? Prospect: We need to increase sales. Only 20% of our sales staff meet target. The prospect has just provided answer to his company pain point , not the challenge. Your work as a salesperson is to serve as a consultant to your #prospect ,help present him a practical #solution he has indirectly presented to you. If your company provides sales staff training service, you could recommend weekly sales motivation training for your prospect's sales staffs. Always make prospect clearly understand what's in it for him if he finally transacts wi

Technological effect on increased unemployment rate, simple way out.

I was watching television yesterday, when I saw an invention of a self-driving car,which means humans will face extinction in that particular field. Don't forget it's a machine (car) that is being run on a software,what about if the software was hacked or was corrupted what to you think will happen to the passengers? Tech will render people jobless in the long run. That was the statement of a friend when we were engaged in a discussion about "future of work and present unemployment problem". My response was that,technology improves business productivity than man power and It cuts cost of production. Truly,tech will make some people jobless because it will make some jobs go into extinction. Yet,Tech creates new jobs with new ways of doing it. It changes the narrative of how works are being done. Technology will surely make some businesses go into extinction, but some will continue to wax stronger because they are flexible enough to

3 successive stages of business development for Entreprenuers

Businesses are like organism, they have development stages. A business has 3 development stages. The first stage of development is where you employ more hands,because you are not able to handle every business activities anymore. When the reality of payment of staff salary dawn on you ,you begin to think of escape strategies. Dont worry, It's a sign that your business has just reached the next development stage. It's at this stage that those who take their business as truly business survive At this point business owners think of reducing staffs,they suspect  staffs effectiveness and bothered about staffs salaries Thinking how to rescue your business from that mess? Reflect on which aspects of your business consume most of your business time. Is it Administration or Buisiness development? You should spend more of your time on reinforcing your business development strategies,else business may continue to sink. A flashback to the fi

How clear cut customers description avails business growth

Any business that wants to scale large in market must make it mandatory it have a clear cut customer description and the understanding of the channels to reach out to the customer. There is the need to know who your customers are within the market. Are they residential ,commercial or industrial consumers? Having done this, there is the need of understanding your customers' language( spoken and unspoken) How do you go about this? It's simple, work on understanding their needs, lifestyle and suggestions. Having done the above, you would be able to know how to reach them and meet their needs through the channels they read, respect and listen to.

Understanding Branding process for effective product sales

Brands are ideas yet materialized. Branding is the process of materializing ideas. When ideas are materialized, they are presented in forms of products/ Servces. Your product communicates your idea to people.  Hence, the process of transforming ideas to product can be called branding. It's at this point of branding that some business/brand managers get things wrong.  Some elements ought to metamorphize from the idea stage into product ,but are unconsciously  filtered away during branding process. This result to wrong commucation of what the brand ideally intends to communicate through the product. Business vision and Mission aren't excluded from the branding process. A business starts to fall asunder at the point where its mission and vision don't allign with the brand its represent. At this point,some managers are devoid of clarity. This marks the beginning of their managerial blunder. This managerial blunder do adversely affect busines growth When

Experiential Marketing, a void Strategy without call to actions

Entertainment mixed #promotional activities and events are truly  great approach to call prospects' attention to your #business . #customers /prospects love to be entertained as you call their attention to your products/services. That's why malls and stores marchandisers are adding entertainment sauces to their #strategy . Even in #outdoors #sales activation events. But as you  plan an entertainment mixed #adverts , outdoor promotional activities/events, don't make  #prospects /suspects too entertained to the point that they forget to make (reasonable) demands for services/ #products As they feel entertained,at the same time add reasonably to your return on investment. Your promotional activities/adverts should be able to propel demand for your services/products,even as they are being entertained. That aspect of call to action mustn't be compromised in any promotional activity.