
Experiential Marketing, a void Strategy without call to actions

Entertainment mixed #promotional activities and events are truly  great approach to call prospects' attention to your #business . #customers /prospects love to be entertained as you call their attention to your products/services. That's why malls and stores marchandisers are adding entertainment sauces to their #strategy . Even in #outdoors #sales activation events. But as you  plan an entertainment mixed #adverts , outdoor promotional activities/events, don't make  #prospects /suspects too entertained to the point that they forget to make (reasonable) demands for services/ #products As they feel entertained,at the same time add reasonably to your return on investment. Your promotional activities/adverts should be able to propel demand for your services/products,even as they are being entertained. That aspect of call to action mustn't be compromised in any promotional activity.

Industry Leaders are Seers

Are you SEEING or LOOKING? It is either you are LOOKING or SEEING with your eyes. What distinguishes creative innovators from any other person is that they are always Seeing, which gives them new insights and fresh ideas about  common phenomenon. The reason for the few existing number of innovators is because many are Looking but not Seeing. A person who SEES when observing a cow and sheep, SEES leather, wool and Furs. Those who LOOK when observing a Cow looks movement, colour, and meat. Ideas, insights and reality live beyond looking, keep Seeing. My advice for you today is STOP LOOKING and Start SEEING! Do have a great day ahead of you as you start seeing .

Socal Selling is transforming Businesses and Personal Branding

Social selling is a selling process adopted by Business Developers to sell their product or services, by building quality relationships with prospects both online and offline. At every civilization stage,the  available Technology  determines the platform for  social selling. Social Selling has been with human beings time immemorial. It's isn't just a modern language. Even before the emergence of dot com craziness. Today, social selling is now mostly done on social media platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook and the likes. Social selling techniques are personal branding,updating storytelling contents, Getting updated with social trends , direct interaction with customers and clients. Many industries have now started integrating social selling into their strategy to attract more customers and clients to familiarize and transact with them. Social selling is really making wave in sales today, especially in the B2B sales . Maybe because prospects don't want

5 features of a Remarkable Social Media content.

Effective marketing #strategy no more depend on the width of your spending capacity,but on the width of your brain. All thanks to #REMARKABLE content Marketing. A remarkable Content allows industry stakeholders to give remarks on company's inventories. A remarkable content has five effective cyclical value-chain features #Informative - #Educative - #Contributive - #Evaluative - #Reformative. Informative:Unveils/Presents company's product Educative:Crytalizes values that customers tend to get Contributive : #Stakeholders comment their perspectives of product  values.Also an avenue for feedback. Evaluative:Following up and responding to Stakeholders' perspectives and feedbacks. Reformative:Using stakeholders'/ feedbacks to create new product line. A remarkable marketing content should serve as a source for company's Product line expansion Wikipedia didn't just top E ncyclopedia  Britannica as top 5 most vi

Power base, a powerful tool for cutting edge Sales

Dear #Entreprenuers Being a SMEs business owner can be very stressful, especially Micro Small #Enterprises From making sure your products meet acceptable standards,to managing the operations of the business. Especially having your fair share in the market. It's very stressful and challenging At the point of getting customers to patronize the product is where most entrepreneurs give up Seeing the budget spent on Marketing by multinationals in their industry alone, shy many away from  business. But there is no need to give up! You have the powerful tool at your disposal, called #POWERBASE .  Every entrepreneur has its own power base. Your power base can be your immediate family,colleagues , religious members,neighbors, e.t.c. You don't necessarily have to spend huge amount on Media or outdoor marketing like those multinationals before having your fair share in market. Using your power base as channel of customer acquisition

Innovations Start as Big Dreams

Never be scared of big dreams Don't get weigh down by the distance it will take to achieve your big dream It will not happen at once Take gradual steps towards achieving your big dream Be resilient and stay focused Draft out strategies to achieve the dream Set clear practical plans to carry out each #Strategy Make it a step at a time An intentional step Dreams are realities  trapped in mind Always see your big dreams as possible reality Every innovation you see around you was once trapped in mind as dreams #Mindset is what differentiate the best from the rest Your big dreams are realities trapped in your mind Un-trapping  it starts from you From your mindset. #Motivation

How to distinguish a great Leader

Leadership not Rulership A great leader works on the strength and weakness of his/her  follower A great Leader focuses not on his own #strength and weakness #Chances of success or failure of a leader is proportional to the level of strength or weakness of his followers.  A leader has no strength or weakness,except that of his followers. Successful #leaders are proactive not reactive. #leadership