5 features of a Remarkable Social Media content.

Effective marketing #strategy no more depend on the width of your spending capacity,but on the width of your brain.

All thanks to #REMARKABLE content Marketing.

A remarkable Content allows industry stakeholders to give remarks on company's inventories.

A remarkable content has five effective cyclical value-chain features
#Informative-#Educative-#Contributive-#Evaluative- #Reformative.

Informative:Unveils/Presents company's product

Educative:Crytalizes values that customers tend to get

Contributive : #Stakeholders comment their perspectives of product 
values.Also an avenue for feedback.

Evaluative:Following up and responding to Stakeholders' perspectives and feedbacks.

Reformative:Using stakeholders'/ feedbacks to create new product line.

A remarkable marketing content should serve as a source for company's Product line expansion

Wikipedia didn't just top Encyclopedia Britannica as top 5 most visited websites, having more than 6million sites linked to its website.

Wikipedia adopted a remarkable content publishing strategy
Wikipedia gave stakeholders access to give their remarks to published works,by editing published works on it website

"FANTASTIC" isn't enough for an effective Marketing content,but "REMARKABLE" is the real deal!


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