100% practical brand promotion strategy for Fashion Design Businesses and B2B companies to scale during and Post COVID 19 period.

Do you know that Lagos alone inhabits a population of more than 9million people?. Oyo state as at present has more than 5million population. If you make some efforts to do a Google search about the current population in your state, you will be amazed at opportunities laying fallow to promote your business. If you're a fashion designer and you are not making use of this period to promote your business, you are not doing well at all.

I am sure you are aware of the new normal in Nigeria, and the world at large. Humans covering faces with face masks. Everyone is taking extra precautionary measures to stay safe during the Pandemic period. Wearing of Face mask has been mandated, some recommended it for people in many states and countries all over the world. With this, I'm seeing free billboards moving up and down the street.

How? you might want to ask me. Those face masks can be used as a marketing tool to promote your fashion design business. Most of the face masks I have seen so far on many people are just plain clothes, without having nothing to say about the designer. A fashion designer already has almost all the resources needed to carry out this strategy. All is needed is just plain and silky clothes that have your business name and details designed on it.

Produce these face masks massively, give it out free of charge( If you can afford it). You are casting your bread on waters, it will flow back to you. You can as well give them out to big companies on your prospect list. I'm quite aware of numbers of big companies who would really appreciate your kind gesture by doing this. As they appreciate your kind gesture, you are promoting and familiarizing your business with them.

If you can't afford free distribution, you could sell them at very subsidized prices compared to those being sold in the market.I'm very confident that you will get your rewards in multiples to what you spent on designing the mask. The very truth is that many people are recording those who stood by them during this tight and challenging period. Rewards are coming soon.

Now isn't the period to exploit, it is period to build confidence and show how much your business cares about its prospects and existing customers. Maybe you might want to restrict this to the state where your business is located, due to the restrictions on inter-state travels. Do some findings of the population in your state, I'm sure you will be amazed at numbers of potential, "moving billboards" waiting to promote your business.

KEY TAKEAWAY for B2B companies:

Non-fashion design businesses that provide services/products to other businesses, could partner with fashion design companies to make face masks branded with their company name and details. These face masks can be distributed to your clients/customers to be used by their staff. Remember, the best marketing strategy is your act of CARE. This can also show how much your company cares about its clients and clients' staff. This can in effect turn your client to a fan.

I hope you gained some insights from this post. Kindly click on INSTAGRAM TWITTER FACEBOOK to follow our social media pages, for your daily business and personal growth hacks.

Thank you.

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