
Showing posts from October, 2019

3 successive stages of business development for Entreprenuers

Businesses are like organism, they have development stages. A business has 3 development stages. The first stage of development is where you employ more hands,because you are not able to handle every business activities anymore. When the reality of payment of staff salary dawn on you ,you begin to think of escape strategies. Dont worry, It's a sign that your business has just reached the next development stage. It's at this stage that those who take their business as truly business survive At this point business owners think of reducing staffs,they suspect  staffs effectiveness and bothered about staffs salaries Thinking how to rescue your business from that mess? Reflect on which aspects of your business consume most of your business time. Is it Administration or Buisiness development? You should spend more of your time on reinforcing your business development strategies,else business may continue to sink. A flashback to the fi

How clear cut customers description avails business growth

Any business that wants to scale large in market must make it mandatory it have a clear cut customer description and the understanding of the channels to reach out to the customer. There is the need to know who your customers are within the market. Are they residential ,commercial or industrial consumers? Having done this, there is the need of understanding your customers' language( spoken and unspoken) How do you go about this? It's simple, work on understanding their needs, lifestyle and suggestions. Having done the above, you would be able to know how to reach them and meet their needs through the channels they read, respect and listen to.

Understanding Branding process for effective product sales

Brands are ideas yet materialized. Branding is the process of materializing ideas. When ideas are materialized, they are presented in forms of products/ Servces. Your product communicates your idea to people.  Hence, the process of transforming ideas to product can be called branding. It's at this point of branding that some business/brand managers get things wrong.  Some elements ought to metamorphize from the idea stage into product ,but are unconsciously  filtered away during branding process. This result to wrong commucation of what the brand ideally intends to communicate through the product. Business vision and Mission aren't excluded from the branding process. A business starts to fall asunder at the point where its mission and vision don't allign with the brand its represent. At this point,some managers are devoid of clarity. This marks the beginning of their managerial blunder. This managerial blunder do adversely affect busines growth When