Spellbinding Sales Strategies from The Great Business Developer Ever

Spellbinding Sales Strategies from The Great Business Developer Ever.

Every profession has some spectacular individuals whose name are written in gold, in the history of each profession. Many call these individuals Inventors, Innovators, Emeritus, Mentors, Trailblazers e.t.c. But when it comes sales, I think Jesus Christ is the best ever salesperson that has lived, and God is the best Business Manager one can ever think of. I'll give the reasons for my position but kindly read to the end before you hit me. The last sales strategy will surely make you agree with me.

If you would agree with me, the product which God sent Jesus Christ to market to people in the world was SALVATION. Yes? Great! According to Merriam Webster dictionary, selling is the act of persuading or influencing others to a course of action or to the acceptance of something.

God as the best business developer, develop a fantastic RTM strategy. How did he do this? God sent John the Baptist to do a brand anticipatory awareness for Jesus who will be marketing the product (SALVATION). John the Baptist excellently executed the brand awareness strategy (Matt 3:11). He did his work until the Salesperson(Jesus Christ) brought the product to the market(Matt 3:13-14). Maybe John was the Public Relations expert, I leave that to you to decide.

Jesus as the greatest salesperson in history. He spent 29years studying the market, gathering market intelligence against the best time to present the product to market (Luke 2: 40-52). Having spent such years on market intelligence, we shouldn't be surprised with the huge success recorded within just 3years spent in the market.

After Jesus has gained the needed intelligence to sell in the market, he set into actions(Matt 3:13). The first step he took was that Jesus went back to communicate with God the business manager, to align his gathered market intelligence with God's market strategy(Matt 4:1-3).

As a salesperson, there are two major barriers we always want to break. Winning the market competitor and breaking customers' objections. Jesus Christ was first challenged at the start of selling his product into the market, by his biggest competitor, the devil. But the competitor was defeated at that same point (Matt 4:1-13). What made this first success possible? Jesus has already taken his time to have a deep understanding of the product he's selling. Secondly, he had gathered enough intelligence from his geographic research. Jesus knew and strongly believed his product carries more value than that of his strongest Competitor, hence No shaking!

Ask 10 salespeople what is their biggest challenge in selling their business product or services, I'm quite sure they will all agree on customer objection. Almost all salespeople want to sharpen their customer objection handling skills.

Knowing fully well that the market he's selling to is a biased one. He mitigated the bias by presenting the product in a way that it belongs to everybody but doesn't belong to nobody, that is, everyone can consume the product, and nobody or set of people can lay claim that the product meant for them alone. Maybe the kudos should go to the Brand strategist(God). Jesus was found selling to every form of people, from the rich (Luke 19:1-10) to the poor (John 4:1-40).

One major reason why many salespeople meet stiff objections from customers is that they are unable to remove bias from their products. These biases are in different forms, religion, ideology, language, dressing, means of communication, just to a mention few. The first customer rejection handling strategy by Jesus was his fantastic execution of the removal of bias from his product.

Another laudable sales strategy by Jesus was his prospecting strategy. He never wasted much time on those who are not ready to purchase from him. He was born and raised in Nazareth, but his people had already blocked their minds from buying from him. Jesus never wasted time on them, neither did he allowed that to stop him from exploring other markets. Smart salespeople are now adopting this method, they know the best time to move ahead.

Now to the most powerful sales strategy, Jesus dispensed while selling his product. After-sales support service and strong after-sales network connection with customer. After selling the product (Salvation), and when he was about going back to God, he promised his customers the HOLY SPIRIT(John14:15-17). The two major functions of the Holy Spirit was to guide the subscribers on how to effectively use the product(Salvation). Secondly, the Holy Spirit serves as a means of communication between Jesus and his subscribers when he is physically absent among them. What will quickly come to mind is the Modern-day customer care lines. Do you provide your service subscribers after-sales support? It's a very powerful tool for salespeople to scale in their profession.

Jesus didn't just promise after-sales support, he fulfilled the promise (Act 2: 1-5). Many salespeople lose many customers by giving false promises to customers, just to get into prospects' purses. Their relationship with the customer is only transactional, with no mutual exchange of feelings and empathy. These kinds of salespeople lose the trust of their customers, which hinders customers from making more orders for their product/service. Jesus fulfilled his After sales support promise, this led to stronger trust from his subscribers. These subscribers could even boldly refer the product to their friends, families, relatives, and their perceived enemies(Acts 2: 14-47).
You would agree with me that word of mouth advertising by customers, help sell than any other form of advertising strategy.

Having discussed just a few strategies adopted by Jesus Christ to sell his father's product, I believe you would agree with me that he's one of the greatest salespeople if not the greatest salesperson ever practiced the sales profession. I chose to use the Bible characters to explain how salespeople can professionally scale their product/service because this post was updated on a Sunday.

Kindly share your thoughts in the comment box.

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